Motivation about change
Motivation about change

motivation about change

Changes in a business may seem as a sign of uncertainty that may further lead to anxiety among employees.

motivation about change

Reduction in Resistance to Change:Ĭhanges can be uncomfortable and require employees to think and/or act differently. With such high morale building exercises the possibility of conflicts and industrial disputes could be minimal. Motivated employees could also privately discuss negative attitudes, recognise HR policies and procedures and involve HR, to make them listen their problems and support them. Motivated employees attempt to change indifferent or negative attitudes of employees by engaging in supporting conversations without resorting to belittling and complaining comments, speaking up with a dismissive employee and addressing an employee’s inability to work in a team situation. For example, a highly educated employee with experience of working in abroad is employed because this employee has new learning from her/his experiences to share, implement and improve performance levels of themselves and her/his colleagues. Motivated employees have the ability and willing­ness to work and improve their performance level by obtaining relevant education and training. Importance of motivation for an organisation can be examined on the basis of the following factors: Importance # 1. Motivation is an important part of managing that inspires subordinates/employees to maintain and/or improve their efficiencies. Importance and Significance of Motivation for Workers, Employees, Organisation and Business Importance of Motivation – In an Organisation

Motivation about change